Brian Shaw, CFM
Credit: 1 AIA-HSW, 1 ICC-CEU, 1 CFM-CEC
AIA Provider #: T058
AIA Program #: FP103
ICC PPP ID: 1099
ICC Course #: 758
About the Course
Floodproofing measures are required for all buildings located in the FEMA Floodplain. This course identifies the effects of hydrostatic pressure on building sustainability and explains dry and wet floodproofing techniques utilized to mitigate against flood damage. A review of the liability associated with each floodproofing option is provided. Relevant FEMA regulations, ICC building codes, and ASCE 24 are reviewed. The course provides an in depth analysis of active and passive floodproofing options.
After the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of floodproofing options and the important role they play in designing a sustainable structure.
Additional Information:
Credits: (1) ICC CEU
ICC Course #: 1948